Saturday, Feb. 01, 2003

12:44 a.m.

[ Autistic my pale celtic ass ]

The Tornado has learned that if he bounces really hard on the back of the recliner he can get it to lay back, thus giving him a direct path to the front window that I rearranged the furniture to keep him out of.



This boy that the Infants & Toddlers Program wants to lable as autistic has once again successfully countered my attempts to render him unable to harm himself.

In case you work for the Frederick County, Maryland Dept. of Health Infants and Toddlers Program, please don't be offended but I simply must express myself by flipping you off vigorously, repeatedly and with great attitude. You guys did something extremely stupid (though I'm not sure what), that resulted in the forced resignation of a compassionate, friendly speech therapist and even had you not, I highly suspect that you all would be unable to find your asses with both hands and a sign with a light-up arrow pointing the way. You all need the car alarm version of the assfinder. It emits a sharp sound when you get close.

Yeah, I know. I'm a visionary.

So it goes without saying that I am so very glad and comfortable with my decision to withdraw Tornado Trent from your program.

In retrospect, perhaps I should have done this after consulting my husband, but when the replacement therapist called yesterday I considered Trent's recent progress (which is going in leaps and bounds, btw), and made an executive decision to discontinue services.

Fortunately, no attempt was made to discourage this, as I am quite disgusted with the lot of them and given the right set of circumstances can unleash an unprecedented amount of noxious profanity into the air. Proof of this is that Fuckface and I haven't argued in months and a heavy cloud of aforementioned profanity still pollutes the area directly above my house. Birds still avoid flying through it. Most birds, anyway. Turkey Vultures don't give a fuzzy rat's ass once they've zeroed in on a possible food source. They'll peck their own mothers to death to get to the field behind my house.

Larry had no problems with my cutting off services. We are both so tired of this BS we could scream. They would have taken Trent out of the program anyway in April when he turns three, to start him in a program in a public school.

And everyone who knows me knows how I feel about that.

If it would be genuinely helpful to him I wouldn't fight it but given that public schools have become more violent and clique-oriented I'd rather not send him there if I can avoid it. How could I expect to homeschool my children if they get a start in public schools? It would take some serious deprogramming first, starting with the idea that trendy is good and popularity is everything. Then there's the whole matter of a child's individuality being squashed as he is programmed to walk, talk, and worse - think like everyone else.

To quote an old rap song; funk dat.

Every day my baby reinforces my gut feeling that he is okay by doing little things like abusing the recliner to make a path for himself into an area he is forbidden to access. He's also smart enough to do it while I'm not looking. I have to catch him doing things he knows he's not supposed to do.

That, my friends, is problem solving intelligence, creativity and quick thinking.

Autistic my pale celtic ass.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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