Wednesday, May. 22, 2002

11:02 p.m.

[ Damn Cold (*grumble*) ]

Well, in taking care of my hubby and kids I sorely neglected the aquarium, which upon cleaning today, I found my fish not only still in there, but alive.

Moby is a much happier goldfish indeed.

I also started to catch the cold I've managed to hold off for the last few days. It got better by the end of the first day so I thought it was an allergic reaction to pollen, but it's really hanging in there. My throat is scratchy and sore and my nose is...gummy.

I feel like absolute shit. And T's speech therapist is coming tomorrow. I still have things to do around here too. And I had wanted to get out for awhile this weekend.


At least it isn't so bad I've been forced to dose up on the meds J refers to as Grape Anus. But it isn't pleasant and I want it gone so I can go out this weekend. Even if it's just for a little while.

Chandra Levy was found. More on that later. I'm going to bed in the hopes of ridding myself of this miserable cold.

In case any of you stumble in here tonight, Toni, Trance, Jana, and Fae - you're all very much in my thoughts right now. I find myself thinking about you and your struggles a lot, and I hope all is going to be well with you. I love you guys.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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