Monday, Jan. 06, 2003

12:43 a.m.

[ Still no LOTR - Denied!! ]

Once again we didn't make it to the movie. Bummer. This is three times we've arranged to go. Next weekend will mark our fourth attempt.

Larry went in early this morning to finish up some things for a presentation he has to make tomorrow and it took most of the day, much longer than anyone suspected. He called me several times, frustrated that it was becoming an all day thing.

So no Elijah for me today.

Instead I spent the day cleaning the aquarium and doing my usual stay-at-home-mom chores. Well, at least the living room doesn't smell like fish poop. For that I am truly grateful. It smelled so bad this morning the fumes were almost visible. When Larry gets up in the middle of the night with Zoe he turns off the light on the tank, which is good because it helps her sleep. If all he turns off is the light, that is. Lots of the time he turns off the power bar that controls the light, the air pump and the filter, leaving the water sitting in the tank without circulation the entire night. The result is stagnant, stinky water that can be smelled from the living room to the end of the hallway. Usually the kitchen and at least one bedroom (the babies' room), get fairly funked up too. Sickening.

He does this more often than he realizes. This morning when I spoke to him about it he told me he doesn't do it that often, but it's been happening two or three times a week and I've cleaned the aquarium three times since the third week of December. That's a alot of cleaning up, even for a dirty little goldfish like mine. That's the truth - they're beautiful but they create a lot of dirt. So it's important to leave the filter running all the time. Maybe now that we've talked about it (again), he'll remember. Cleaning the aquarium is a lot of work and very difficult to do with two active little ones around so I'd rather keep the swabbing out of the fish tank to a minimum.

I decided to remove my link from Clix, Diarist.Net and the Diaryland Top 100. I just really don't need the extra exposure. I have reason to believe my SIL has found my journal. It's going to stay open, it's too late to close it now if she's read anything. I've suspected this since thanksgiving when she said something to me like, "You remarked about my kids being spoiled, you should see the kids up the street from us!"

My mother is a polite southern girl, who raised me to have a mind of my own, but know when to hold my tongue. She'd shit twice and die if she thought I had said such a thing to my SIL about her children, because it's a serious social faux pas to say anything to a person concerning the raising and welfare of her / his children unless their lives are in danger or they're breaking something. I most certainly never said anything to her, even remotely like that. I do tend to be rather absent minded, but not in cases like that.

Really, I never.

I have, however, written about it here and in my previous journal. If that's not where she got it I haven't a clue where, because the only other people I have said anything to regarding the nephews have been Larry, John and my mother, and I know for sure none of them are talking.

Logically, she had to have gotten it here. Otherwise she's a mind-reader, an intuitive of some kind. In that case I'd be caught between feelings of great terror and complete awe in her presence.

Anyway, I have no desire to add to my visibility.

You know, just in case.

I also took down my photo album, but not because I wanted to. Freaking Picture Trail is phasing out free accounts this month. I uploaded pictures into two other online photo albums then discovered that they can't be linked to unless I want to send out emails containing the link. Perhaps they should tell you that on the front page, under the bold print that says, "Free Online Hosting For All Of Your Pictures". It seems the only other options open to me are to either use my paid site that still kind of sitting around waiting to become a fansite, or

:: shudder ::

Go to Geoshitties.

Some people have had good results with them, but since I loathe Yahoo and their annoying, spam-infested email and similarly spam-infested search pages, I'd rather not unless I have to. I have all of my pictures saved, all I need is a host. If I don't hear back from Fansites soon I'll go ahead and create some photo pages.

John and I watched xXx a little while ago.


It was okay. Fairly predictable. The acting was good though, the stunts were fantastic and Vin Diesel...well, he looked especially yummy.

A big warm piece of hot damn between two slices of oh my god with a side order of do me now.

Yup yup.

He's almost as pretty as Mel.


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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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