Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

3:56 p.m.

[ DeadJournal22 ]

From my other journal, dated August 2, 2002

I want to see Mel Gibson's new movie Signs so much I can practically taste it. It looks like it's going to be so incredibly good and I loved M. Night Shayamalan's other films so I instinctively know it's going to rock.
It has Mel Gibson in it, how could it be anything less than wonderful?
Okay, yeah, I do remember Bird On A Wire, but I forgave him for that film years ago. He hasn't made a bad movie since. Even Payback wasn't as bad as Bird On A Wire. What the hell were they thinking teaming him up with Goldie Hawn anyway? The only person who has even the slightest onscreen chemistry with that woman is Kurt Russell and that's because they're an actual couple.
I have to admit to a certain amount of bewilderment in regards to that pair. I mean, how the hell did she manage that? What am I talking about? Look at Kurt Russell. Just look at him. Gorgeous isn't he? Tall, well toned, thick hair, broad shoulders, six pack.
Maybe she's a really, really nice person. They've sure been together a long time so there must be something there.
Anyway, back to Mel.
I promised John I'd take him to see The Road To Perdition on Sunday. I want to see it, but I'd much rather see...Mel. Maybe Signs will be out long enough for me to see it. I've been getting out more lately so it could happen.
Until then, I'll just remind myself of what I have to look forward to with these.

Oh my god...

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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