Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003

4:06 p.m.

[ Happy days ]

This may not last and I really don't know how I managed it, but right now I think I'm happier than I have ever been. All three children are okay, my marriage is wonderful and I'm thoroughly enjoying designing. I've been learning new things and being able to work in a medium that suits me is beyond wonderful. I'm sure the meds are helping too. I'm holding steady at two tablets a night and there's no arguing with the results.

I may stay with that for awhile. A full three tablet dose makes me so sleepy and sluggish so I only go that high when I need to. Lately that hasn't happened. So far, so good.

I saw protesters on the news today, marching and holding signs. One of the signs said "war is not the answer". So what is the answer then? I don't want war either but I really don't know what else we can do.

Perhaps the protesters should tell us what the answer is, rather than what it isn't. That would be helpful.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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