Monday, Jan. 20, 2003

12:26 p.m.

[ More rearranging ]

As I design more layouts, for some reason I feel the need to have something a bit more simple for myself. I like this, with the borderless entry table and open feel. It looks less confined to me. The picture is from my own collection. I took it during the major ice storm we had right before xmas that wiped out our power. As if I needed something to remember that particular storm by.

No, I think even if my brain should one day cease to function altogether (hell, sometimes it's close to doing that now - LOL), I'll have no trouble holding on to that memory.

As much of a pain in the ass as it was, I got some beautiful pictures of the ice on the trees in our yard and this nice shot of icicles coating a leaf that was stuck in the fence next to our side door. For just a little while the world looked as if it were made out of glass.

I had to rearrange the furniture in the kids' room again. Zoe doesn't do much more than take all of the toys out of the toybox but Trent has once again figured out a way to use the way the furniture was situated as a quick route to the top of the dresser. The damn thing is almost as tall as I am but he has no trouble getting up there. I think now I may have gotten things placed in such a way as to discourage his dresser-climbing habit.

If not, the only option left is to put another gate up, but then the kids won't be able to get to their toy box, and there really is no other place to put it.

My mother warned me that having an exceptionally bright child is a major pain in the ass, and she wasn't wrong, but I have to admit that in spite of all of the extra work he creates for me I am really impressed with this child's resourcefulness. There's nothing I can do that he can't eventually find a way around.

I wonder what the new solution will be?

Knowing him, it will be something I couldn't have possibly anticipated.

Have I mentioned that I think Trent may be smarter than me?

He is one clever little guy.


I know what I'm going to do about the problem of the disappearing photo album (thanks for the suggestion, Groupie - if I wasn't so upset with Yahell, I'd be on the way to post an album there right away). I'm going to open up a free site with Batcave. I already have a paid site with them, but I don't want to use any more space in the filing system and in spite of the banner ads at the top it works really well. The free sites offer plenty of space, I just won't be able to hotlink to my images. I'll have to post the site link.

That's okay. Whatever works.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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