Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003

11:43 p.m.

[ News & other stuff ]

Let's discuss current events...

Idi Amin and John Geoghan are dead, and much like Saddam Hussein in the South Park movie, six weeks from now the world will still be glad to be rid of them.

Sounds cruel, but sensitivity, which I believe abounds within me, has a hard time surfacing for murdering, cruel dictators and child rapists.

It seems the decision to have the ten commandments moved from The Alabama Judicial Building is going to be upheld. Roy Moore is of course being a stubborn jerk about the whole deal, forgetting that even though this country was founded on freedom of religion, there is still technically supposed to be a separation of church and state. As I said to Nightdragon via his guestbook, the statue itself really doesn't bother me, he can keep it there as long as he wants because I don't think it's hurting anything. The only thing about this that does bother me is that if this were a monument to any other religion there would be no issue.

So I wonder how long the statue would have remained in place if it had featured some Hindu passages? How about a quote from the Quran? How about an image of a Goddess? How about an image of Allah?

Right. A huge christian-based public protest would have gathered in front of the building, forcing the decision to remove it to be moved along post haste, resulting in the removal of the offending statue before the sun set the same day. Not partially obscured by a flimsy plywood partition...gone.

Unfortunately, as I have said before (ad nauseum to my friends, I'm sure), the separation of church and state in this country is a joke. I'm sure in the end he'll get to keep his statue in place and by the autumnal equinox people will probably be so accustomed to seeing it they'll walk by it almost blindly, barely noticing that it's there unless the congestion in the lobby makes it difficult to get around it.

They can always leap-frog over it I suppose.

Anyway, my being mildly pissed off over what I see as a ridiculous struggle aside, isn't this really a non-issue?

I mean, don't we have a war going on somewhere or something?

In other news...

There really is no other news. Nothing major, anyway. Zoe is catching another cold (I swear, this poor kid is just like me, every wayward microbe and bacteria somehow manages to wander into her bloodstream), so we won't be going over to my folks' house tomorrow as a group. Sir Lawrence is going to watch the babies while I take John out there with me to visit my parents and choose the decor for Zoe's side of the birthday cake. She and my mom almost share a birthday so we celebrate them together. The cake gets split down the middle.

Then we'll have to shop for some new clothes for Mr. John, who begins tenth grade on Monday. It shouldn't take too long. What he likes to wear: jeans. How he likes them: baggy. Pretty easy stuff. We have some groceries to buy too. If all goes well I'll be home in time to make dinner.

Because what I'd really like to do is make a huge seven course highly nutritious meal that shows off my formidable gourmet skills.

Um, okay.

I'd also like to take a nice long steamy bubble bath with Cillian Murphy but let's be fucking realistic here.

I'm afraid after a day like that, the password's microwave meal, kids. The password might even conceivably be chinese take-out.

I'll fret not, however. Next weekend is my chance to cook something wonderful. My signature pasta salad, the one thing my family requests I make for every holiday dinner, and most cookouts.

I just hope I don't rush off and leave it in the fridge like last time.


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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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