Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002

12:38 p.m.

[ Not censoring ]

I was almost pissed off enough to start censoring myself until I thought about it (and thanks to all of you who sent me nice messages, I really appreciated that). What would that accomplish? I'd be doing the exact same thing I'm always encouraging people to not do. That is, censor their journals out of concern for the thoughts and feelings of others. I won't do that.

If you happen to pass through here and don't like what's said, I don't give a shit. If you hop over here because you saw something I wrote in someone else's guestbook or notes, same deal. We can agree to disagree but I will not tolerate flame wars in my guestbook. I don't leave hateful or nasty remarks in other people's personal space and I won't tolerate them in mine. Don't waste your time. As I said, they will be deleted.

* points *
In the future please direct all complaints to this brick wall.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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