Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002

10:36 a.m.

[ I've been plagiarized. ]

I'm flattered to se that so many people seem to like my "What is Goth?" entry, but I'm taking it down. People are adding it to their journals and not giving me a reciprocal link or any credit for it whatsoever, which is the same as claiming they wrote it and that bothers me terribly. It shouldn't be a big deal. I did after all, post it in a public journal, but it is to me. A majorly big deal. If I wrote something I deserve to be credited for having written it.

My moods are evening out and I've been off of the Elavil for two days. That tells me I've built up either an allergy or resistance to it. Whatever the case it doesn't agree with me at all.

Who knew being off of antidepressants could actually make a person feel better?

Well I did until I saw that I had been plagiarized.

The more time I spend on DiaryLand the less I want to be here.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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