Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002

4:22 p.m.

[ Posers ]

Having visited several so-called gothic sites recently, I was inspired to vent. The following is a rant. Turn back if venom bothers you.

I'm so tired of seeing people who think that gothic culture is all about darkness and depression. It's a Renaissance movement. It has nothing to do with your religion, your depression or how rare you like your fucking steak. If you think you're gothic because you want to drink blood, cut yourself or write "dark' poetry not only have you missed the boat, you've bought into a negative stereotype and are no better then anyone else in white makeup and red contacts. You aren't an original, unless trying your best to fit into a culture you don't understand makes you an original in your mind.

The fact that it's a renaissance movement means you are interested in all music and all art, at least willing to learn about them, even if you don't like them.

The renaissance was an awakening. A time of experimentation and artistic expression and production. Some of the most beautiful art, music and writing was created during this time. Gothic refers to the medieval, not the evil.

Being dark is fine if that's your thing. Put on ugly makeup. Use ugly contacts. Drink blood until you puke if that's what you get off on. But don't think it makes you gothic and don't claim to be part of a culture or subculture you don't understand.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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