Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003

12:37 a.m.

[ Pre-Superbowl ]

It's been so busy around here I barely have time to finish one thing before I start another. I cleaned out our family room so I could reclaim it for working out. We have that nice finished family room down here with all of that space and it doesn't ever get used unless someone is passing through to use the PC. The weight bench and treadmill have gone unused for longer than I care to admit. My 20 Minute Workout tape came in (YAY!!), so on Monday the shaking of my previously mentioned booty begins. I am looking forward to it, actually.

My female parental unit informed us last weekend that she wants to get both of her children and the ever growing brood of grandchildren together in the spring for a family photo. I definitely want to be thinner for that. Or at least not as hideous. My hideousness rating is pretty freaking high these days. Hopefully exercise will help. Anyway, I got to thinking about the photo session and I think ample potential for comic relief is going to be present. What they want is to get all four of their grandchildren, three of whom are under four years old, together in the same place for an undetermined amount of time with no toys in unfamiliar surroundings and they expect everyone to smile at the same time.

Now that's funny.

If I weren't going to be in the picture, I'd take the camcorder and laugh my ass off.

I'm caught between feelings of great dread and the need to try it and see how it goes. It's a lot like watching a hockey game in which a huge fight has just erupted; you don't want to watch but you're helpless not to.

Sounds like fun.

I'm in.

We're having my folks and my dad's annoying friend that I can't stand over for the Super Bowl tomorrow. I love football (Ravens & Redskins, even though they both sucked pretty badly this season), but I have to be in the mood to watch it. Unfortunately this is not one of those times. I have to dash out for groceries and ice in the morning, do some laundry, clean the aquarium because it's reeking up my living room (again dammit - this goldfish is becoming more high maintenance by the week), vacuum and hopefully I'll have time for a shower before my company arrives.

Mom and I are going to camp out in my room and maybe get a PPV. It will be fun to have the kids running in and out so I want to leave the gate down. The babies will want to take turns visiting me and their grandmother in one room and their dad and grandfather in the other.

I'm glad I put the new members in the list for the Elijah Wood fanlisting tonight because there's no way I could do it tomorrow. Once my people leave I have to work on my own fanlisting. Hopefully it will be ready in time.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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