Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003

9:02 a.m.

[ Springer - WOOT WOOT!!! ]

Today is Zoe's birthday. Yay - my baby girlie is two!! The last two years seem to have gone by so fast. She's such a good baby it really doesn't feel as if she's been around that long. She doesn't even seem to be having her terrible twos. My other two children started theirs at about 18 months. She'll catch up, I'm sure. But until she does I'm really enjoying her sweet, calm little personality. Just as lovable as the boys, with a third of the noise.

Hee-hee. I made a rhyme.

I updated my other journal too, if anyone cares to read it. I would have done it here but right now this may be a bit of a sensitive subject and I wasn't quite comfortable. I'm afraid I had to vent. And this time I didn't name names.

In other news...

I thought Jerry Springer was off the air. I haven't watched it for the longest time because Larry hates the show and I was tired of hearing about how stupid he thinks it is. That, and it was all starting to look like the same show. Pre-1995 or 96, Jerry's show was like most talk shows, the kind that bring people together with psychologists and arranges aftercare to help them through their crises because they came on the show to talk about them. I can't pinpoint the exact moment it became strictly a 'I'm gonna put you on national tv and dump your ass, then kick it' kinda thing, but it's sure fun to watch from some reason. Another thing that made me think it was off the air was that I couldn't find a listing for it, or at least not one that was on before three am.

I sort of rediscovered it on Monday and I figure it must be tv crack because just that one hit got me totally hooked again.

Mullets, and rednecks and incest - oh my!!

I can not believe what people do and say on that show, knowing that like, billions of people worldwide (isn't the show syndicated?), are watching. How do you even go on that show and think you can show your face in public again?

:: chanting ::


I hear it's fake, that the people who show up are actors, not guests. If that's true, that's simply not right, the creators of that show have no right to continue screwing the public like that. We have the right to see things that are real and have no interest in being faked out or...

Just kidding! Who cares?

It's pretty darned entertaining either way.

I may just have to dig out my old 'Jerry Springer Security Staff' tee shirt.

It makes me at one with Steve Wilco.

Oooooooooooohhhhhh to rub that hairless head between my boo-

Nevermind. That's a story for another entry.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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