Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002

8:33 a.m.

[ Zoe's Milestones ]

Yesterday was a pretty major day. Zoe had two milestones;

She pulled herself into a sitting position, and she used her crib and a chair in the living room to stand up.

Yay Zo-etta!

I couldn't find the digital camera so I had no choice but to take my pictures with my I-Zone, which makes the pictures really small. They came out nice anyway. I haven't used the I-Zone since Larry bought me a digital but I realized yesterday that I have missed it. I have about a hundred of those silly little pictures and I love them. John gave it to me for Mother's Day two years ago and it took awhile but I actually got pretty good at using it and can get pictures with it I never expected. Usually you have to be two feet from something to make an exposure but I've taken pictures of my yard in the snow that were so pretty they could have been postcards if not for the fact that they were so tiny. I sort of rediscovered the I-Zone and now I'm totally addicted again.

After having it for almost two weeks, I gathered Zoe up for her first chick-flick and we watched A Walk to Remember. Zoe fell asleep about 2/3 of the way through but I was completely absorbed. Mandy Moore has more talent than I thought possible (especially since I don't especially like her music - maybe it's something that has to grow on a person). Her acting is perfect and she was absolutely amazing. It's definitely a two box of tissues movie, though. As they say on South Park, I cried like Nancy Kerrigan.

Trent's insistence upon removing his diaper spawned yet another weird child care idea in me yesterday. After he had taken it off for about the fourth time in as many minutes I had an epiphany. Staples would leave scars. Velcro is already on the tapes that hold the diaper on and it doesn't even slow him down. The double ended hooks that hold Ace bandages on would be more likely to pop off and end up embedded in his skin. Not good.

Then I remembered something my uncle Jere (Jerry - one day after I cross over I'm going to ask my grandmother about that spelling), used to say,

"If you can't fix it, duck it."

Don't laugh, it worked. Like a freaking charm. I'm going out for another roll this evening. It was the last resort and I'm delighted it worked, because as Jere was also fond of saying,

"If you can't duck it, fuck it. It ain't gettin' fixed."

And with that, I'm off.

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� Dreamyautumn, 2003


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